Creekside Psychology ReSolution Services, Logo
Dr. Greg Pickering
Phone Icon (780) 448-0861


Collaborative Coaching and Child Counseling Tailored to Your Needs

ReSolution Services proudly provides child counseling and collaborative coaching. Everything we do as a practice is structured around fulfilling your individual needs. As child specialists, we focus on involving children in the changes going on in their family. As collaborative coaches, we help you through the separation and divorce process. Contact us today to discuss your situation.

About Collaborative Coaching

A collaborative coach...

  • a skilled professional who brings solid relationship skills to the table and is trained to address the intense emotional issues that often create impasses or unnecessary emotional and financial costs in settling disputes.
  • with you on the emotional aspects of your separation and divorce.
  • ...can provide important insights and recommendations to the other team members or facilitate communication between the participants and other involved professionals to reduce misunderstandings.
Therapy Session

Child Specialization

  • Brings the child's voice to the separation and divorce process.
  • Infuses all information gathered from child and parents, consulting with a collaborative team.
  • Provides important developmental, psychological, and practical information on how to best help children.
  • Assists with the development of the detailed in comprehensive Parenting Plan.

Role of the Child Specialist

  • Represents the child and maintains a clearly defined neutrality toward the parents.
  • Keeps the voice of the child directly in the forefront of the collaborative process.
  • Helps the child voice his/her feelings and worries about the divorce.
  • Assesses how the child is adapting (or not) to the divorce.
  • Is a "source of information" to the child.
  • Uses the information to consult with the collaborative team.
  • Completes screening inventories.
  • Conducts telephone and face-to-face meetings with parents.
  • Liaisons with relevant sources (teachers, therapists, etc.).
  • Considers where the child is developmentally.
  • Considers the temperament of the child.
  • Considers the child's relationship to all family members.
  • Looks at interests, attachments, and support systems beyond the family.
  • Assesses the child's worries, fears, and concerns.
  • Looks at current and future needs and risks to the child.
  • Shares professional knowledge about child development and the effects of divorce on children.

What the Child Specialist Does

Please note that all choices and methods depend upon the age and needs of the child.

  • Conducts interviews with the parents (what are their concerns?).
  • Interviews the child/children alone (what are their needs and wants?).
  • Interviews significant others in the child's life, such as teachers, caregivers.
  • May interview the child with siblings.
  • Gives psychological inventories (BASC).
  • Offers support and comfort to the child during a stressful time.
  • Provides a safe place for the child to tell his/her story about what is happening in the family.
  • Allows opportunities for the child to ask questions about family changes.
  • Provides relief for the child by bringing to the parents' attention the problems, worries, fears, and hopes that may have gone undetected or unexpressed.
  • Helps the child identify personal strengths and accomplishments.
  • Helps the parents to become more aware of the needs and concerns of their child.
  • Provides important developmental and psychological, as well as practical information on how to help children.

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